Water and Wastewater Pipeline Installation

Don’t Wait It Out: When to Call a Commercial Plumber

Maintaining a commercial building of any size can be demanding in that it requires managing various responsibilities that demand time and attention. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on your list. Some tasks are more critical than others to address, however. One element that is often overlooked until it becomes a problem is the plumbing system.

Whatever the nature of your establishment, commercial plumbing issues can, at best, be a distraction and, at worst, lead to costly repairs if not addressed in a timely manner. Knowing how to spot the signs of plumbing problems early on can save you time, money and undue stress. Here are some telltale signs that you may have plumbing issues in your commercial building and need to lean on a professional:

Slow Drainage:

One indicator of plumbing issues is slow drainage in sinks, toilets, or floor drains. If water takes longer than usual to drain, it could suggest a blockage somewhere in the pipes. The culprit could be a buildup of grease, food particles, hair, or other debris. Ignoring such an issue can lead to complete blockages and backups, leading to downtime and of course inconvenience.

Foul Odors:

Unpleasant smells coming from drains or bathrooms are classic signs of plumbing issues. These odors are often caused by trapped food particles, sewage backups, or mold growth within the pipes. This issue isn’t just an inconvenience to customers and employees. It can signal potentially hazardous conditions that necessitate immediate attention from a professional plumber.

Low Water Pressure:

A significant decrease in water pressure in sinks, faucets, or showers can signal a host of plumbing issues. Among the underlying issues are: mineral buildup in pipes, leaks, or a malfunctioning pressure regulator. Low water pressure isn’t just a nuisance  — it can also indicate underlying problems that may add up to more complex and expensive issues if left unaddressed.

Water Leaks:

Visible water leaks or water stains on walls, ceilings, or floors should keep any building manager or owner up at night. Even small leaks can signal plumbing problems, such as deteriorating pipes or faulty fittings. Without action, water leaks can cause structural damage to your building, promote mold growth and lead to expensive repairs. Doing your due diligence can prevent further damage and keep your property in great working order. Not to mention, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re staying on top of operational concerns.

Unexplained Water Meter Changes:

Keep an eye on your water meter readings, as erratic changes could indicate hidden leaks or excessive water usage. For instance, if your water bill suddenly spikes without a known cause, it’s an unfortunate indicator there may be a leak lurking in your system. Monitoring water consumption closely can help you get a handle on minor threats before they become major headaches.

Strange Noises:

Gurgling, bubbling, or banging noises coming from pipes can be synonymous with air pockets, blockages, or water hammer. You might notice these noises when water is draining, when faucets are turned on, or even when the building is not in use. While some noises fall within the normal range in plumbing systems, persistent or loud sounds can be a cause for concern and require professional attention.

Spike in Utility Bills:

An unexpected increase in utility bills, particularly water bills, can be associated with plumbing issues that are causing excessive water usage or wastage. In this situation, it’s best to compare your current bills to previous months to identify significant disparities that cannot be explained by seasonal factors or changes in usage patterns. Addressing the root cause of plumbing problems can help you better manage your utility costs and prevent further financial consequences.

Mold or Mildew Growth:

Moisture from plumbing leaks can produce mold and mildew growth, especially in damp or poorly ventilated areas. If you notice any signs of mold or mildew, such as musty odors, discolored walls or ceilings, or visible growth, make it a point to investigate the source promptly. Beyond the gross factor, mold can pose health risks to occupants of the building and may indicate ongoing plumbing issues.

Backflow Issues:

Yes, it’s as unsettling as it sounds. Backflow occurs when contaminated water flows back into the clean water supply. Signs of backflow issues include changes in water color or taste, sudden drops in water pressure, or visible contaminants in the water. To prevent this hazard, building managers should install backflow prevention devices. They need to be regularly maintained to function optimally.

Aging Infrastructure:

If your commercial building is known to have older plumbing infrastructure, be on guard and look for signs of deterioration or wear and tear. Over time, pipes, fittings, and fixtures can degrade due to corrosion, rust, or mineral buildup. This can mean an increased risk of leaks, bursts, or other plumbing failures. Regular inspections and maintenance can help identify and address potential problems before they snowball into larger ones.

In conclusion, understanding and addressing these plumbing issues is essential to keeping business operating as usual. Regular maintenance, quick action and prevention prove to be a winning combination in achieving this goal. At J.O. Mory, we’re the experts in keeping your commercial plumbing systems (and business) running smoothly.

Remember, one phone call can save time, money and frustration — and prevent the inconvenience of unexpected plumbing emergencies. Don’t let your business lose productivity, reputation and profits because you think the problem will resolve on its own, or it’s minor and can be ignored. This is an attitude that can result in greater losses down the road.

Facing any of these common plumbing issues in your commercial building? We know that time is money. That’s why our team is committed to completing work with minimal disruption to your enterprise. Let us help you worry less so you can focus on running your business.  J.O. Mory is proud to have served the northern Indiana tri-state area since 1892! Reach out to us at either of our locations, or use the convenient contact form found on this page.